Hi everyone! My sister went out of town and left me with her betta!! I have no idea what I’m doing but I’m worried it’s not eating enough? He likes to hang out at the bottom and just lay there, so I really can’t get him to swim to the top to eat his flakes. I’ve only done it once successfully in 2 days the other times I just leave it there but I’m not sure if he eats it. My sister told me that if the flakes are soggy he won’t eat. She also told me to not leave uneaten flakes in the tank. I’m really at a loss I have no idea what to do to get this fish to eat!! Please help advice is needed!


Posted by stars_eternal1441

1 Comment

  1. Flakes are usually bad quality compared to pellets. Try to get Fluval Bug Bites Betta, or Ultra Fresh Betta Pro Shrimp Patties, my bettas all love those pellets, even the picky eaters. Ditch the flakes or use as supplemental alternative food.

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