I was out wading a saltwater grass flat casting out to some feeding tarpon about 60 feet away, and snagged this mullet on the back cast due to poor casting and letting my line hit the water. Broke the rod when I went for the forward cast. Everyone I’ve spoken to said they have never seen anything like this before, so I thought I would share for some giggles at my expense!

Posted by BenderOfSpoonz


  1. Huge_Cartoonist_4167 on

    It won’t be your last. I usually do one or two a year. Maybe it’s failure in the material or my mistake. It happens. My last broken rod I had a big split shot that smashed my mid section. Next cast snapped in half.

  2. I broke a 3 wt in a very similar situation. Snagged a rock on the backcast and the rod blew up when I tried to make the forward cast/haul. The crunching noise is terrible

  3. But certainly not the last 😂 the more rugged terrain, the more shit just happens! I’m up to at least one a year with my annual black canyon trip lol.

  4. jdbulldog1972 on

    Better story than a truck door. Did the rod have a guarantee? Like your reel!

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