Otherwise, my betta is very active and seems fine but I noticed he is losing color/turning white. Anyone else have this issue?


Posted by catfishmermaid


  1. catfishmermaid on

    Tank size:
    • Heater and filter? (yes/no): YES
    • Tank temperature: 76 degrees
    • Parameters in numbers and how you got them: 10 Gallon
    • How long have you had the tank? 1 YEAR
    • How long have you had your fish?: 1 YEAR
    • How often are water changes? WEEKLY
    • How much do you take out per change? TAKE OUT A GALLON AND REPLACE WITH A FRESH GALLON
    • What is your process?: SEE ABOVE
    • Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each: 1 ASSASSIN SNAIL
    • What do you feed and how much: NUTRAFIN MAX, FREEZE DRIED BLOOD WORMS, BETTA BUG BITES in rotation; feed every other day
    • Decorations and plants in the tank: LIVE PLANTS

  2. Chance-Gur7989 on

    I’m not an expert but it could be fungal. Otherwise it is probably just a color change. If I’m wrong someone correct me.

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