Mystery Snail Eggs Pt 2

Posted by Low-Future1823

1 Comment

  1. For context, you’re asking whether these 2 clutches of Apple Snail eggs are fertile, and should you destroy the first clutch.

    It’s possible the first clutch are fertile. ~~The ones that broke off and fell in the water likely won’t hatch, but~~ those remaining have lost their colour and become greyish. I suggest keeping both clutches if you’re hoping to breed Snails. If in a few days, the second clutch remains this light pink, then they’re likely infertile and you can dispose of.

    Good luck. I hope you see some new Snails soon!

    Edit: After u/Emuwarum’s comment, I assume you’re not wanting too many snails to hatch? Then I suggest removing the second clutch.

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