I like to think it’s German Blue Rams or Discus. German Blue Rams are so pretty and they are full of personality for their size, My GBR are so playful and they look so gorgeous with their blue shimmers under the light. I love discus colors and the way they stand out is just amazing to me. I’ve personally never kept discus (or plan on keeping them anytime soon) but their variety and how they come in all different colors is just magnificent. What about y’all?

Posted by Aquarium_Noobie


  1. There’s no way i could answer that. Personally, i have an affinity for all the silver or “colorless” fish. Fish that used to be popular but slipped between the cracks because they weren’t flashy enough like head and tail light tetras, or keyhole cichlids. Each fish like that always has at least one striking quality about them that I think draws you into them closer and actually makes you pay attention. The way head and tail lights literally glow as they reflect light at just the perfect angle, catching your eye from across your house, or the absolute brilliance of a diamond tetra catching a ray of sunlight and sparkling with every color you’ve never seen in a fish. Those are my favorites.

  2. TokyoFlawless on

    At this time I’m in love with corydora especially julii and panda cory, they are so cute 😭

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