20gal hex, about 1 year old. Since last month, we have had three bacteria blooms and almost all of the fish have died: platys, corys, ottos, amano shrimp, and snails. The tank will stabilize for a moment, but after doing a 10% water change the bacteria will bloom and the parameters will drop to horribly acidic and no carbonates.

We have tried to raise PH, we have tried catappa leaves for tanins, we have removed decaying plant leaves and even some bulbs that never sprouted.

Tank is cycled with treated tapwater, and the fish are fed about every 2-3 days. Temp is 79°F and there are no ammonia readings currently. There are two filters: an HOB and a sponge.

As of this moment, there are only 2 platys left. How do I save this tank? I'm this close to just throwing it in the dumpster and giving up

Posted by Arcane_Animal123

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