The bait? A piece of sausage, lol.

I actually managed to get two carps today, but the second one started flapping and went back into the water before i could take a picture with it

Today was a good fishing trip, 2 out of my 3 friends managed to also catch something, and it was like, our second time fishing in our lives (other than the third friend who has been fishing for a few years now. Not frequently, but he has the most experience between us all)

And we also met a really nice older couple on the pound near the one we were fishing on, they taught us how to properly release the fish, and gave us some really nice tips.

Honestly, really good experience (would have been a 10/10, but some cunts yelled at my friend and i because "we were making too much noise" when we were going to the bathroom to clean ourselves despite the fact we were far away as fuck from them, and they had a fucking speaker blasting music right by their side. It was still a solid 9.8-9.9/10)

Posted by Thiago_MRX

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