So I found this super cool drift wood at the beach a long time ago, and we are getting ready to bake it for my betta sorority tank.

(It’ll be a long time b4 we put it in, because I want to make sure it’s fully clean so I don’t risk any bacteria, or stuff like that.)

Anyway, my main question is what do I do with the holes? I wanted to fill them in with something because I’m so worried one of my bettas will get stuck in the hole, or rip her fins if she goes in. If anyone has any advice or tips pls let me know!!

Posted by laney_0


  1. sleepaholic- on

    I would put a bunch of rhizome plants like Anubias barteri and aubias nana !

  2. Do you think the other rough surfaces of the wood might cause issues as well?

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