A few weeks ago my fish passed away. He thrived for a little over a year in this tank, and very suddenly and quickly passed away.. I don’t really know why. Anyways, the tank remained empty for like 1 or 2 weeks and the algae bloom was insane. I picked up this nerite snail from a local fish store and put him in the tank. He has polished every square inch of it and I’m just amazed. Then I bought a small betta with some torn fins and he seems to have started regrowing them. My question is will the duckweed hinder my algae growth to the point that my snail could go hungry? I added the duckweed same time as the snail and at the time there was a ton of algea but not so much anymore.. tank is 5 or 6 gallons I can’t remember tbh. Thanks !

Posted by irishn000b

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