What is this? Caught out of fresh water, Buffalo NY

Posted by Cuntry716


  1. Some kind of pleco (invasive armored catfish from South America). Someone dumped them out of their aquarium. Kill on sight.

  2. SnooRobots4605 on

    Either a goby or a sculpin. In my experience, generally it’s gobies you’ll be catching, they are invasive. I usually kill them

  3. It’s not a pleco. It looks like a sculpin. They are usually in saltwater, but can be found in brackish or freshwater too.

  4. That is a big dark round goby. It’s not a pleco or sculpin as others have mentioned. They are invasive to the Great Lakes and other regions. I’d say kill it, but there are literally billions more to take its place. That’s a big one too.

  5. This one has me stumped. I sent these photos to the DEC. I also asked for them to identify, and if there is a protocol when catching these. I will keep this posted updated with any news. In the meantime, I appreciate any feedback.

  6. Intelligent_Oil86 on

    That’s a goby as some pointed out. Excellent small mouth bass bait. Killing it is pointless as they cannot be stopped. They are everywhere now. Use as bait or throw back

  7. EcstaticDocument3310 on

    I’m at the other end of Ontario near Henderson. I’ve been catching gobies for well over a decPic. Between gobies and zebra mussels, the smallmouth fishery has declined significantly. Interesting is this is the first year I’ve seen the gobies that are almost black like your pic.

  8. I love this forum. I don’t fish much anymore but grew up fishing the Tampa Bay/Gulf. I no longer live there and haven’t have much success trying my old tried and true techniques in the NE. I am thinking of getting into fresh water since the Atlantic doesn’t like me apparently.

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