Hi two bettas from my female sorority built a bubble nest and mated, is this normal? (They both have prominent gravid spots)


Posted by dernbu


  1. Sketched2Life on

    That Spade-Tail may be a dude with a false egg-spot, some people think it may be something evolutionary to trick other Betta into not being as aggressive (i think that’s wrong, but i’m no expert).
    I’d watch for aggression around the Bubble nest, if the Spade protects the nest and if developments in that nest are occurring.
    That’s a weird situation to be thrown into.
    It could have just been two female bettas as well, so don’t worry too much, just get a Breeder-net for any that hatch in case it wasn’t a false mating.
    I’m pretty sure moving the nest would be very bad if there was fry developing.

  2. Own_Adhesiveness2829 on

    Hahahaha hun the answers right infront of you! Some males have false gravid spots

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