Hello everyone, I am new to the hobby so excuse my ignorance. Planted the aquarium a couple of months ago. I’ve noticed recently that a lot of the plants are starting to turn black with some brown patches forming on them as well. It initially was just algae forming on the pebbles with a hint of black stuff on the middle plant but within a month it worsened into whats shown in the photos. These photos were taken just a week after a 25% water change in attempt to clean things up. It was better afterwards but it grew rapidly and became even worse I do a 10% water change about once a month. My tank is 3 gallons.

The tank consists of a betta fish and a nerite snail.

Can’t figure out if that’s due to a lack of nutrients? Or something else? Is there a product like or similar to chemi clean that I should use?

Any suggestions or advice will be greatly appreciated!

Posted by Wide_Inevitable3766

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