Grandma came home from a baby shower and got one so she gave it to me since I already had a betta fish

Posted by Paper-Desperate


  1. Responsible_Ad_3287 on

    Males are usually the one with the long fins so I’d say male for sure, females typically have shorter fins and sometimes “duller” colors

  2. Responsible_Ad_3287 on

    Though you gotta get him in a tank asap, petco is having a 50% sale on tanks you can get a 5.5 gal (the minimum) for like 13$, he’ll need a filter and heater as well, sponge filters are a good choice since they tend to be a bit cheaper and you can adjust the flow. Betta fish need to be in a heated tank between 78-84 degrees with clean water and plants and hides, a vase like that will just not suffice and he may survive but he will not be happy or thrive. I may be overstepping as you said you have another Betta but these are the minimum care for this fish.

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