Hi! I have a 20gal cycled tank that I had ny betta in, then I moved him to a hospital tank to treat him for fin rot. I added 2 nerite snails to the 20 gal after I moved my betta just to keep the cycle going in the mean time but my PH is at 8.2ppm and keeps going back to that no matter how many times I do a water change. I want jt to go down before my betta is ready to go back but I’m not understanding why it keeps rising even though I have driftwood and live plants. Would anyone know why this would be? The ammonia is 0ppm, nitrite 0ppm, nitrate 0ppm, and PH 8.2ppm.

*side note – when I had just my betta, the nitrates were always 0 but I read that it could just be the plants eating up the ammonia before it converts to nitrates, that’s also why I got the snails to hopefully get the nitrates to around 10ppm

Posted by Ok-Sprinkles9676

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