I got this from a breeder that was going to cull him but I offered to just take him away. I don't know if it's a birth defect or it's from previous injuries. Breeder said he just passively groomed him and fed him routinely then forgot about him. Is there any chance that his tail can recover?

Posted by quantum3110


  1. CardboardAstronaught on

    Definitely a chance, if you keep his parameters stable and address any possible infections, _if_ any then I don’t see why not. He looks otherwise quite healthy. If you don’t mind the look of the tail then no reason to cull him

  2. Death2mandatory on

    Not sure how much hell recover his tale,looks like birth defect.
    Give him a diet with 30 to 40 percent vegetable matter+ plus the occasional insect and he’ll probably look much better

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