Hi all, i’m new to fish keeping and have been working really hard on my tank. I did a post recently and took all advice and tips. My water levels are perfect and i was just wondering if anyone could tell me if my tank looks okay? and if not any tips or advice?

Posted by RevolutionaryRead739


  1. telepathicavocado3 on

    I don’t know about the loach, but that goldfish is gonna wayyyy outgrow that tank and they usually like having a friend or two. Common goldfish get massive and are better suited to big ponds not just because of their size, but because they’re poop machines and will quickly mess up your water parameters.

  2. WhiteCloudMinnowDude on

    The loach will also have to go to the pond. But yeah its nice but try using 1 type of stone or wood its best not to mix and match. If those are real plants then you wont have them too long because goldfish eat everything. And technically goldfish cannot be kept with any other fish due to the chemical they secrete that blocks the uptake of b vitamins in other fish. But for a grow out as you stated its pretty nice as long as you are aware they cant stay forever and have a plan for a permanent home for them.

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