I bought a beta fish from Petsmart for me and my toddler. The first one died within a few days , this is the second one (mr.finny)
I bought a brand new tank and set it up as a new tank with tapwater using water conditioner the first time . after the first one died I cleaned out the tank and used preconditioned water this time and also added a anubias plant .
At first mr.finny was doing good but all the sudden his fins just kinda stiffened. And hes acting weird The water is at 76F . I have cleaned the tank twice already but he still seems to be dying . The levels read high nitrite no2 i think? What is wrong with him and what should i do? ))):


Posted by Sugasuga916

1 Comment

  1. -1 gallon tank
    -filter yes / heater : i have a 10w mini one but it doesnt have let me set a temp so when i left it in there and came back it heated up to like 86 lol so i took it out
    -ive had tank mabey 2-3 weeks now
    -ive cleaned it a few times . Did a 50% vacuum to the bottom once and also did 100% water change and rinsed out the gravel
    – i feed the fish tetra betta min flake medley
    -i just added anubias plant to help nitrate level?

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