How many of us learned on one of these bad boys?

Posted by Thatman2467


  1. OriginalBogleg on

    I have no idea what kind of flyrod I learned on. When I was young I used to ride my bike downtown to fish the lake in the center of town. There was a sporting goods store in a strip mall a block or so from the lake where I’d go buy bait and tackle. One day I went in there and there was an “old guy” (to me, at the time) doing a demonstration on how to build a rod from a blank and he had several already finished rods for sale. I spent $80 on a three piece 5-weight of some sort and put a cheap reel on it.

    Eventually broke that rod at the butt end ferrule in Colorado – the middle section would wiggle free over time and I didn’t reset it all the way – years later. Replaced that rod with a rod I built myself on a Sage 9′ 5-wt blank. It was like switching from a dump truck to a sports car.

  2. This rod I believe is pushing 30yrs old as it was my dads first fly rod as well as mine

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