Excuse the blurry photos, he was moving when I took these.

This is Nutmeg, I've had him for about a week and he's my first fish. I feed him twice a day, in the morning and evening, and I give him either two pellets, a freeze dried bloodworm, or some freeze dried brine shrimp- both of which are soaked in a multivitamin before they're given to him. I've been planning on getting him some frozen food, but haven't had the chance to get any yet.

Anyways, I'm a bit nervous that I'm not feeding him enough because he looks a bit skinny to me. I don't want to overfeed him and cause digestive issues or make him fat. But I'm also scared that I haven't been feeding him enough and he's too thin. Is what I'm feeding him ok? Does he need more food?


Posted by queer_crypdid

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