I’m trying to get into fishing. I was told this was a good way to rig up for catching bass. Did I do it right? Any suggestions? I’m so lost. Open to all advice…

Posted by Grouchy_District205


  1. Like others said, without the bead and the swivel it’s a solid Texas rig (make sure the hook point is close to the surface). It looks like whoever told you that was describing a Carolina rig/Texas rig hybrid. Google those to see the difference. But also try that in the pic and see if it works if you want, there’s no hard rules.

  2. Justabakingbear on

    this will work. another option is to place the bead and weight above the swivel. this is often called a c rig or carolina rig.

  3. I’d go without the swivel.

    Adding a bead to a texas rig was a hot tactic years ago. It definitely works, so if you like it, leave it. When I fished a bead with a Texas rig, I used a glass bead and a brass or steel bullet weight for max noise.

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