I got a 40gallon take from my neighbor and want to aquascape it with rocks and white sand to kind of looks like mountains with snow(dark rocks and white sand) I’d want schooling fish but not just small fish. I want a somewhat active tank Discus, fancy gold fish or angel fish are cool but I’d want more then just a couple. Recommendations please. THE PICTURE IS WHAT I WANT MY TANK TO LOOK LIKE.

Posted by romanempire7199


  1. Rainbowfish are some off the more active schooling fish. If it’s a shorter aquarium you could get the neon dwarf rainbow. If it’s a long 40 gallon you can get bigger species like the red rainbows or the boesemani rainbows.

    Other active fish are serpae tetra or tiger barbs but those are smaller species.

  2. wetmyplantiez on

    damn son! That’s one inspiration tank. I love Congo Tetras or maybe Multis! If you get Multis you gotta add some hidey holes for them.

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