I’m looking for an easily movable,light,comfy fishing kayak. I’d like it to be around 500-800 dollars. paddle drive/trolling motor option available to upgrade in the future. I’m okay using a paddle for now but I also need recommendations on size and brand of paddle to get that’s not 200+ like a bending branches. (Which are nice). I also like to get out in the Lake Michigan where waves could be a bit more so Idek if a 10footer can handle that or need something longer? But I saw something that intrigues me, the feel free moken v2 as it’s fully loaded 10fter but I heard it tracks bad (probably not as bad as my pelican but yea)

Ive had a different spectrum of kayaks, cheap 10 footers for the longest time, I had a vibe shear water which was a 12 footer, Which Was good but.. way too much of a hassle to take out almost like a real boat. I ended up selling that and went back to my cheap pelican 10footer. After a boating accident where this boater purposely flipped me off my kayak from a wake(which has never happened before) I’m kind of fed up with my kayak. Idk if it’s the kayak itself or the size of it that makes it tred so bad and flip but I’d like to get into a new rig.

Posted by mild123

1 Comment

  1. ThatDoucheInTheQuad on

    Seems like a Crescent Primo would he a good option for you. They are a new model and I haven’t tried it, but it’s something I’ve been eyeing a secondary kayak

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