Came home to my betta resting in the corner not moving aside from occasionally moving up to get air. Ammonia/nitrite at 0 and nitrate at 5. I'm currently treating for ich as I (believe) caught it early as he only had 3-4 small spots. Temp has been at 30c since Sunday, gave a low dose of aqaurium salt into tank and have been treating using NT Labs Anti fungus and white spot. It's supposed to be a pretty safe and less harsh chemical as it's shrimp/snail, fish and plant safe.
The only thing different is he seems to of gained a small bump just infront his gill, almost looks a bit like a small pimple. No other fish or invrrt in the tank is acting any differently.

Posted by NBAIOW


  1. I can see other fish in the tank – are any of these fish sick or show signs of stress? (I am trying to determine if it is a tank wide issue or just isolated to the betta fish).

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