first 2 pics are 2 weeks old, 3rd pic is 1 week old, 4, 5, &6 pics are from right now. she’s looking SO much better, i have no idea if she’s recovered fully, but still i wanted to share what ive done to help her in case it can help someone else🩷
with how bad she initially looked i prepared myself to lose her, & just started trying random things til something stuck. the first week she was in 2 gallons, 2 grams of dr teals epsom salt, 1/2 scoop kanaplex, two air stones, NO HEATER, water change daily. this past week she’s had anywhere from 1 gallon – 2 gallons, 2 grams of salt (eyeballed), 1/2 scoop kanaplex (when in doubt, add more), 2 air stones, no heater, & water change every 2-3 days. with such small measurements i’m having a hard time getting them exact, so if i notice her doing good with the water in her tank i keep it as long as i can, if she isn’t really improving i try again. i only feed her right before a water change so i can vacuum out any food she didn’t eat.
i have no idea what im doing, if you don’t agree with something i said it’s okay don’t do it, but this helped her so hopefully it can help someone else🩷

Posted by arianababy1738

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