I have a 7.5 gal tank and need advice on dish that would do well if I set it up just right for them. I don’t want a second betta (when I get him, he will be set up in my 10 gal). Googling was giving me lists of fish that do well in a 5 gal, but when I did more searches, 10 gal was really the recommended. But what about right in between… what fish would be happy in such a tank?

Posted by mystikeditor


  1. mystikeditor on

    Btw I do have a heater, filter, etc. Willing to make sure my little friend(s) have what they need

  2. wetmyplantiez on

    pasta carbonara. Oh, fish! I thought I read dish 😂

    If you want just a centerpiece fish you can get a single pea puffer, honey gourami, or sparkling gourami. If you want a schooling fish you can get ember tetra, chili/merah/exclamation point rasboras, or pygmy cory. You can also make it to just shrimp only tank!

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