Ok so this is my 29 gallon tank. I have 5 albino Cory’s, 6 neons. And recently my betta passed from dropsy. Anyway I’m gonna do a rescape, try out some live plants. But I wanna know if I should add dwarf or honey gourami’s? And how many? And btw, I also wanna add 3 more albino Cory’s to my tank.

Posted by Lovely_Bubbles123


  1. redditsuckscockss on

    Dwarf gouramis get a lot of criticism around here for health reasons from overbreeding

    Personally I love them and their colors are stunning – if you go that route it’s only 1 as a center piece fish

    Honey are more gentle and can have more than 1

    Also you should fill your tank up to the black trim – it’s not 29 gallons if your only filling it 3/4 the way

  2. thefishthatsings on

    I’d personally just do one. Dwarf gouramis especially are not so friendly around each-other unless it’s a breeding pair.

    I have kept honeys in groups but they can get pretty nasty when they breed or there’s more than one male.

  3. ImpressiveBig8485 on

    Honeys for sure, they are smaller, more friendly for community tanks and generally more hardy than dwarfs. I would increase that school of neons as well, they are much more entertaining in larger schools!

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