Hi everyone! I came home from a trip yesterday to learn that my mom impulse-bought a Betta fish. I've been a member of this sub for several years and I wasn't planning on having any fish until I could get a proper setup going – we had Bettas growing up and they always lived in bowls/vases πŸ™ƒ

This was apparently my Mom's plan for Bluey here but she ended up not even having anything at home to keep him in. I've successfully persuaded her into at least having a tank with a filter, but I've never cycled a tank or anything like that and I don't know how. We've yet to actually buy anything, although we're tentatively going out to do so this weekend.

I just want to minimize this fish's suffering and help it as much as possible. Unfortunately the scope of what I can do is somewhat limited in general (my home/family situation is a gigantic can of worms in itself), but I feel really guilty.

Thank you for any help/advice you can offer in advance!


Posted by Jarnathan_Toothass


  1. the minimum tank size is 5 gallons but if your mum wont allow that then 3 gallons is better than a bowl or something. youre going to need a filter and a heater and some sort of substrate and some plants ideally but if your on a budget thats tricky. since you already have the fish you are going to need to do a fish in cycle which means water changes every day until the important bacteria has built up in the tank that can handle the bio load of the fish.

  2. At least 5 gal tank. Amazon has a nice 7 gal kit that comes with a lid (allcolor ultra clear rimless). Fluval heater is good especially on a budget. Try to get live plants if you can. Seachem products are really good. If you’re able you could get some driftwood, like spiderwood

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