Stocking ideas? 200 Liters/50 Gal

Posted by Kkzutppn


  1. Competitive_Pop_8672 on

    2 male 4 female tiger endler guppies.
    10 red cherry shrimps.
    10 pygmy corys.
    2 nerite zebra snails.
    Ramshorns if you want.

    This tank stocking setup is basically a cheat. You will never again need to stock it both corys and guppies are going to multiply and have babies and then then their babies will have more ass the older ones die. I call these setups ” INFINITY TANKS”.

    That’s what I suggest but you could do anything you want. Update us on your choice.

  2. I’d go with something bigger but not too big like rainbow fish or Congo tetras with rumy nose tetras some kuhlis or corrys and otos for cleaning.

  3. GuyWithACamera561 on

    Id say two angelfish that you know are a male and female as your centerpiece fish and then build around that (cories, khulis etc). This way you can have a fun breeding project and continue that line of fish for the next generation. This is currently what I’m doing with my betta fish. My goal 20 years from now is to have still have betta fish from that original family tree

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