I’ve never seen him do this before. I’ve had him for 2 years but this is the first time he’s been in a 10 gallon tank that I just put him in less than a week ago. He’s been frantically swimming at the front of the tank and like flailing his fins a lot. And keeps coming up for air. Someone please lmk if this is normal! I can provide more videos in comments but this only lets me add one video


Posted by milky-pro


  1. Burgerkiller69 on

    We need to know the water parameters for us to help you better. You have just put him on this recently, is the tank new?

  2. CitrusGoddess on

    He’s breathing extremely heavy and looks very stressed.

    Was the 10 gallon tank properly cycled? Did you make sure to dechlorinate the water? What are the parameters of the water?

  3. Nightmarecolors on

    This isn’t normal!!! Please answer the bot questions so we can help, it sounds like your new tank isn’t properly cycled and it will kill him like this. If it’s not that, we need to know the information to give appropriate input

  4. Inside-Category7189 on

    To echo what others have said, answer the questions that are asked about the water, quality and other parameters! Without that information, which will rule out water, quality issues, my guess would be that your current is too strong and he’s not used to it. I moved a rescued beta from a 3 1/2 gallon hospital tank to a 20 gallon tank, and he just lay on the bottom. I tried baffling the flow but he stayed on the bottom. My tank was cycled and water quality parameters were good. I put him in a 10 gallon and he’s been happy ever since.

  5. Sensitive_Wallaby227 on

    Do you have a betta log or leaf hammock? Anything for him to hang out near the top might help if he is stressed about the size of the new tank.

  6. Slow_Rabbit_6937 on

    Not normal. Check the water ! I would take him out and put in some fresh dechlorinated water out of the tank

  7. Comprehensive_Toe113 on

    I know nothing about fish, and even I know that a fish ‘laying down’ isn’t a thing.

    For some it is, like catfish, or those fish that have the sucker mouth but not for swimmyboys

  8. Jealous_Reserve_4351 on

    No. You should try a Epson salt bath. 1 teas. Of Epson salt to 1 g of water. Then a 50% water change and use water conditioner.

  9. nitropancakes on

    Glass surfing and heavy breathing at the bottom of the tank sound like there’s high levels of ammonia in the tank. Get either ammonia test strips or preferably the API Master Kit and test your water. Bare minimum here is do a water change

  10. Huperzine_Dreams on

    Certainly not normal. My guess if the tank was not cycled and he was just thrown in there?

  11. What are your parameters? That would be the first thing to do before you ask. But just curious if you resused anything from the old tank? Filter media, substrate, or perhaps water,( but that might not do much). Did you use prime when adding new water? Let us know? 🙂

    Edit: added a word

  12. CampVictorian on

    Before you do anything, please, please, please answer the bot questions regarding water parameters and habitat conditions. This will help us to guide you.

  13. Plantlady5775 on

    you are asking for help from the community but not sharing any wayer parameters… onviously thats not a normal behavior there is something seriously wrong so check your water parameters and fix them asap

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