This is my new rod and reel. I set it up with 50 pound braid. I mainly wanna throw frogs and poppers in heavy pads and weeds. In this situation, the flouro leader seems superfluous. Do you guys use it or not?  To me it seems desirable to have the most direct connection to the lure as is possible. Furthermore, since these top water lures are almost completely weedless, I don’t anticipate leaving dozens of yards of braid in the drink. Is this the one situation that I can forgo the extra hassle?

Posted by ImmovablePuma


  1. I use mono for any topwater stuff for a leader unless I’m fishing in heavy vegetation in which case I won’t use a leader

  2. PreviousMotor58 on

    I typically don’t unless the water is really clear and I’m actually not casting into any vegetation

  3. ImmovablePuma on

    Thank you to anybody sharing their experience and 2 cents. It is appreciated. Tight lines.

  4. Hell no. Straight braid. That’s the last thing I want is my leader to fail when I’m in the thick stuff

  5. _fuckernaut_ on

    Straight braid for frogs, always. I don’t know how you’re planning to throw a popper in heavy vegetation and lily pads, it will get snagged immediately. I do use a leader when throwing poppers in open water though.

  6. Reasonablebody12 on

    I use a mono leader for topwater applications. If I am fishing slop I use a shorter leader that is what I am confident in.

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