First time (soon to be) betta owner, images are 3 days apart. I know that strips aren’t the best to use and the API kit is better, but this is all I can use rn :/ is it normal for the ammonia levels to drop that much so soon? I feel like I’m doing something wrong…

Posted by thegoodestgrammar


  1. Looks like it’s just about ready to me! There’s no more ammonia for your bacteria to feed on so it’s probably time if it isn’t coming back.

  2. What are you using to produce ammonia? It’s hard to say if your cycle is done without knowing how you are doing your cycle

  3. ForgottenHylian on

    A couple questions for you. First, what type of filter are you running? Does it have any activate carbon in it, as that will filter ammonia out before it can aid in bacterial culture growth.

    Second, did you see a rise in Nitrites and Nitrates? In the cycling process, first the colony that processes the Ammonia builds up producing waste Nitrites. Once Nitrites are high enough the next population, those that convert Nitrites to Nitrates, begin to grow. If I didn’t see a rise in Nitrites and Nitrates in that order, I would be suspicious.

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