I got this in a text from my landlord saying he is spraying for termites. I have five tanks and I love them so much. What do I do?!?

2 10 gallons
2 20 gallons
1 40 gallon

Posted by VermudaTriangle


  1. CurrentGear3571 on

    I’ve seen people say to use garbage bags and they cover their tank with multiple layers of the trash bags so your overlapping them to fill cover every opening on the tanks

  2. The smaller tanks I would risk/feel confident I could seal off with some airtight bags. The residents of the 40 gallon and any expensive or especially dear to me fish I would house at a friend or families house for a few days and getting ready for a thorough cleaning, de-chemically of followed by a rescape.

    This truly does suck. Sorry to hear you are going through it

  3. If it were me I would get them out asap, contact local fish stores to see if they can hold your fish or get a pet sitter who can hold the tanks in their home or set up tanks at friend’s houses. Anywhere other than where they are now.

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