UNS 60S shallow
Simple sponge filter
ONF Nano Flat led

Asparagus Fern
Peace Lily
Syngonium species
Ludwigia SP Red (emersed)
Riccia Fluitans
Java Moss (partially emersed)
Rabbit’s foot Fern
Hydrococtyle Tripartita
Hydrococtyle Vulgaris (emersed)

1 Betta (plakat)
Many shrimp (yellow, red, green jade)


Posted by Safari87


  1. Legitimate-Bass7366 on

    The Monstera! The hydrocotyle! The ferns! The Anubias nana petite! The way the wood sticks out and plants dwarf it!

    I’m in love. It’s beautiful. That’s a dream tank right there.

  2. Critical_Bug_880 on

    Gorgeous!!! Both the tank and your betta! 🥰😍

    Also love him peeking out in pic 11 haha

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