So this is my second tank, my 1st tank was all plastic decorations and blue gravel, when I upgraded to this tank which is a 75 gallon I wanted to go with an all natural look with live plants, sand, real stone and driftwood. I have cichlids I didn't want plants that I had to plant into substrate given my parrots dig and would have uprooted them. My question is did I go over board with the driftwood? My buddy gives me pre soaked driftwood that he drills holes into so I can attach my plants directly into (java fern and anubias) did I ruin the natural look of my tank? Tank is fully cycled been up and running for awhile now and tested regularly, plants have established roots onto the wood and are thriving

Posted by K3YL4Y

1 Comment

  1. I wouldn’t say it is too much by any means. In nature there are areas with no driftwood, while others have a lot. It all comes down to personal preference, and how much you want to put in there. You could have the back filled with driftwood and it could still fit the definition of natural.

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