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Lavender is being treated currently, for what Betta Fish Forum suspected to be a fungal or bacterial infection near his butt. The recommended start was daily/bi-daily water changes of 20%, turning his temperature down by a degree or two to aid in the fungus not growing, and adding some almond leaves for tannins (the little set I bought had a few leaves, a stick and a couple what I can only call pinecones) and then eventually treating with Kanaplex (waiting for it to arrive on amazon both pet stores near me are out.)

Well after 6 days of water changes, i think is infection may be slightly improving, however, I noticed while watching him that he looks a little swollen and some of his scales near his abdomen have what i see as a slight distension. I have no idea what caused this or how I made him sick.

He's in a planted tank, he does get fed fluval flakes now because was refusing pellets (even new ones, i figured fed was better than starved)…

Heres all the information on his tank.

Housing: How many gallons is your tank? 4 gallon bio orb

Does it have a filter? Yes

Does it have a heater? Yes

What temperature is your tank? 78-79 (now 77)

Does your tank have an air stone or other type of aeration? Air stone

Does your Betta have tank mates? What kind? No

Food: What food brand do you use? National Geographic flakes / idr brand blood worms freeze dried

Now its fluval color something flakes and fluval spirulina flakes, had what I read to be good protein content, and was something a bit different. He eats them both really well.

Do you feed flakes or pellets? Flakes Freeze-dried? Blood worms

How often do you feed your Betta? 2-3 times a day

How much? 1-2 worms or a enough flake he eats within a minute or two

Maintenance: Before your Betta became ill how often did you perform a water change? Tank gets changed when I noticed a slight change in ammonia, and so far it’s been one 20% change since his tank was fully cycled end of February, water was changed maybe two weeks ago. Water gets tested about weekly at this rate. And tests have come back consistently in the 0/0/5 (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) What percentage of water did you change? 20% ish

Since filling this out i learned scheduled water changes were better so went to weekly, and then currently to help him get better daily

What is the source of your water? Tap

Do you vacuum the substrate or just dip out water? Vacuum

What additives do you use other than conditioner? What brand of conditioner? Conditioner and biological booster by fluvall

Water Parameters: What are your water parameters? Please give exact numbers. If tested by pet store please get exact numbers. "Fine" or "Safe" won't help us help you. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 5-10 pH: 7.6 Hardness (GH): Alkalinity (KH):

Symptoms and Treatment: When did you first notice the symptoms?

Two weeks from today 5/3

How has your Betta’s appearance changed? Overall no, beyond the discolored spot

How has your Betta’s behavior changed? No, even today 5/9 hes still my sweet active boy, doing his morning zoomies when I turn on the light, and then his little breakfast wiggles.

Is your Betta still eating? Yes

Have you started treating your Betta? If so, how? No, not sure what or how to treat (5/3)

Since 6 days ago i've been doing daily water changes while waiting for the medicine to be delivered

Does your Betta have any history of being ill? No

How long have you owned your Betta? 2-3 months

Was he or she ill or suffering some sort of damage when purchased? No

Posted by leximanthey

1 Comment

  1. I would read up about Columnaris unless the fungal infection started from a physical injury, typically it starts infront of their dorsal fin but it doesn’t mean it can’t happen elsewhere on the body or head, in the case of columnaris lowering temperature is actually needed, typically they suggest around 74F so I would drop it a little more I think, if he is eating then I would give him kanaplex mixed in food with seachem focus, check the instructions on seachem website other than that try some high quality foods like live or frozen, if you think he might be getting backed up then daphnia is a great choice since it can act as a laxative.

    Read this article and make sure not to use melafix since any of the bettafix, pimafix or melafix treatments are no good for bettas.


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