I burned my heater, because I forgot to turn it off during a big water change. I knew better, but forgot. Tell me your fuck-ups, please! (More in post.)

Posted by Svataben


  1. I also spilled water everywhere, and am currently inhaling the “healthy” smell of burnt plastic…
    The thing actually broke into bits and melted plastic, and there was smoke. I feel so foolish. And while dealing with that, I forgot to monitor how much water had siphoned into the bucket I was waterchanging with, so that overflowed.

    Anyway, this is my new Boy’s Tank, where the male endlers are all moving to. Quite murky right now, as I just did some re-scaping and… well, the whole burning filter drama and slopping water about.

    I can’t wait untill thew plants are all grown in, and it’s proper established!

    Specs: 60L SuperFish Scaper, currently no heater.

  2. I feel your pain here man. It’s one of those where you know you shouldn’t known better, and you’re acting all mad getting frustrated..

    Mine’s been overflowing my main tank – I used to have a piped-in top-off system from my water supply. I sealed the hood on my tank which gave me a 15-20 minute buffer if I overfilled. All I had to remember was to turn a tap.. I flooded the floor 5 times in my first year. After the last time, I broke down the system, and when I moved the 4ft cabinet, there was a mound of dead algae where the water collected.

    The carpet looked like something in a derelict building. Thank God there was no actual damage, just a ton of dead algae and bacteria on top. Took 30m to bring out, and 3 days of cleaning to look as good as new.

    I removed the system after that.

  3. LazaCoolGuy on

    My aquarium had a stand, but I liked how it looked on my night dresser. So I moved it there, set everything up, and then promptly went on vacation for a week. Bottom of the tank cracked, I returned home to dead fish and (luckily only) a ruined stand. The room had hardwood floors, it could have gone much worse, at least money wise.

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