Got to work yesterday and was offered a fish. Apparently someone said they didn't want it, we said we couldn't help them, and a little bit later we found the fish ditched at the front counter with no customer in sight. My boss offered it to me, either it went in a cup and sold w the other fish, we euthanized it (it was bloated, gray, and had slime coat rubbing off…), or I took it. So now this is Betta #3 rescued from my store, 4th Betta I own now… Poor dude, when I opened the cup he came in it REEKED like dead fish and fish bowl stink.
Only thing is I have no clue where to put him! Rn he is in a hospital bucket getting meds, but after that I think I'm gonna have to divide my 10 gallon and start planning to build a proper Betta rack :')
Anybody have any cool Betta racks? I think I might just get a big wire shelf and put a bunch of 10 g tanks on it…

Posted by TheShrimpDealer

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