People are putting betta fish in tanks which are not their size requirement for an stress-free life. You need to do a lot of research before buying any animal, so I will be putting forward some better info from my experience!

  1. 5 gallon and above tank. Betta fish are like any normal fish yet they are kind of different than tetras needing at least 20 gallons, They require a 5 gallon minimum tank for enough space and to stretch out their long fins. (Or plakat fins!)

  2. Equipment, I see a lot of people on here with no filter, heater, or bubbler. (You don’t have to have a bubbler, but you should have one. They need this because, one, filters help clean the water and purify it for your betta, heater, they will freeze and die because they are tropical fish. They need heat. Three because It helps oxygenate the tank so no co2 gets trapped inside and kills fish. (That’s what I’ve heard, correct me if wrong.)

    1. Decor, wild bettas were born in other bodies of water with live plants, natural rock or sand substrate, and rocks themselves. I would not put any plastic plants, colored items or gravel and preferably live plants, sand or gravel in a natural color, and other rocks. I have some examples posted from my tanks.

Please take care of your bettas, they are not cheap pets, they should not be kept together, and please do a lot of research. Thank you.

Even I’m still learning about the wonders of bettas, I’m only 12!

ps: spot herb in the second photo!

Posted by fionasaquatics

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